Why Do People Choose Therapy? People choose to begin therapy for many reasons! Therapy can be beneficial for those who have had past/recent traumas, difficulties maintaining relationships, navigating divorce/family/life changes, those who feel controlled by their emotions, engage in self-harming behavior, and those who have mental health diagnoses they could use support in managing (anxiety, depression, ADHD, personality disorders, etc.) . Therapy can also be beneficial to anyone looking for more effective ways of managing their moods, increase awareness, continue personal growth, and increased ability to communicate. Each person I work with is unique and treatment is tailored to their specific goals. I am collaborative in my therapy approach and my focus is to support you in working towards the changes you are looking for in your life. Together, we can explore how your past experiences impact the how you think, feel, and behave currently to find more adaptive ways of engaging in the world and addressing your mental health symptoms.
Treatment Style My style of treatment is eclectic, meaning I use tools and interventions from many different treatment theories. I often draw from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy with a Humanistic framework. I am person-centered in my approach, connecting with you where you are without judgement and providing a healthy relationship model to facilitate growth. I find it is important to work outside of session to help master new skills, change maladaptive thinking patterns, and practice experiencing emotions instead of just intellectualizing them. Often my clients are asked to work on specific tasks between sessions to help solidify what was worked on during their session. I am very interactive during session, providing feedback, skill building, and alternate ways to see situations to work towards increased flexibility in life. I am also a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner. I integrate Brainspotting into my work with clients as needed to help decrease the impact of trauma, decrease depression and anxiety, decrease emotional reactivity, increase self-esteem and in general work towards their best selves. Ultimately, my goal for every client is they no longer need me which is a huge success!
Importance of the Therapeutic Relationship Research has shown that the most important aspect for change in therapy is a solid, genuine relationship. I strive to connect with each person I work with and support them in making the changes they are hoping for in a warm, caring way even when challenging them to try new ways of engaging in the world.
Possible Benefits from Therapy Emotional and psychological wellness can lead to changes in many aspects of our lives, including our physical health, our relationship health, and our overall functioning.
For more information about counseling services with me, please explore my website, email me at jennifer@jenniferwhitley.org or call me at 916-346-1848 for a free phone consultation